Friday, February 29, 2008
Give a FREE Gift: Smile
Chances are that person will remember there are nice people, therefore causing him or her to have a more positive attitude--possibly influencing the next person he or she may see.
Smiling is free. There is no monetary value on smiling, but its meaning is priceless!
Thursday, February 28, 2008
Go Have Lunch With Your Friends
You also need a break from your daily routine to remain strong and energetic.
Socialize with your friends or family members. That is healthy for you mind. It reminds you that people do care about you. It reminds you that you care about them as well. You will get to share feelings and emotions.
Studies show people who socialize with good company tend to live longer, healthier and happier lives than those who don't socialize.
So, go ahead and call your friend that you haven't seen for months and set up a time and place just to meet for lunch.
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
What's On Your Mind? Talk About It!
Talk with a person you trust. It is important to trust the person. Often times, a family member or a friend would meet the need.
Being a mom is becoming busier than ever. Moms often time forget to take care of themselves. You cannot do that. You need to take care of yourself, not only physically, but spiritually and mentally as well.
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Use Family Menus
Although family meals are special moments that strengthen bonds, often time it can be stressful as you prepare a meal because you may not know what to cook until the last minute. Then you realize you are missing an ingredient or two.
Use a calendar to plan your family meals. This is an advantage because you can buy ingredients in advance. If this is your first time doing this, or it has never worked out for you in the past, plan only for one week at a time. When family menus become a habit, slowly increase planning to two weeks, then a week extra when you feel it is time.
Not sure what to plan when preparing family meals?
Get your family involved. Ask for input or ideas on what kinds of meals to cook, or you can even designate a day for a family member to choose meals for. How you get your family involved is up to you.
Happy menu planning!
Monday, February 25, 2008
Teaching Your Children
I am going to offer tips on how to make it less stressful or frustrating for you.
- Turn learning into a song. Often times children (and adults too) remember things when it is presented in poetry or rhythmic form. People enjoy music and often dance, clap or tap to the beat.
- Make it a transitional activity. When your child is ready to move on to the next activity, have your child recite or repeat what he or she is supposed to learn. Once that is accomplished, then allow them to do the activity.
- Repeat as often as necessary. Repetition is key. I know you may find it boring, but repeat, repeat, repeat throughout the day. You can choose to repeat every 15 minutes or have two hours--that is up to you.
- Make an art or craft activity. If an art or craft lesson can be tied to the lesson, go for it. Just like music, people tend to remember when they are making something. Doing an art or craft, takes time.
Feel free to ask your child's teacher for help or tips as well.
Friday, February 22, 2008
Watch Television With Your Children
Once your children is watching their television shows, be sure to sit with them to discuss the episode. Allow them to ask questions about the viewed shows. Be sure to explain to them if the actions of the characters were appropriate for those actions. It is vital for children to know the difference between reality and pretend.
Not only will this be a learning moment, this could be a bonding moment between you and your children.
Thursday, February 21, 2008
Credible Sources on the Internet
So, how do you know what information to believe out there?
Here are some guidelines to help you figure if the website is credible or not.
1. The organization of that source is well known. For example, the American Cancer Society or the Red Cross. Then the source is reliable.
2. An author is listed on the website. You can easily check his or her credentials. People tend to believe articles written that have the author's name listed.
3. Many news channels found on television have websites. Use what is most common in your area first. If you are interested in reading other perspectives, and you are not familiar with those media sources, always find at least three sources from the same area to compare and contrast.
Don't be afraid to come up with your own guidelines as you find out if these are credible sources.
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Laughing Child
Sometime a child laughing is all that we need to enjoy and appreciate our lives. A child laughing reminds us of how beautiful and fun life can be. Take the time to listen to a child's laughter to truly understand one of life's many meanings.
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Ways to Save Money Using the Internet
- Pay bills online. Not only could you avoid late fees and penalties, but you also save on gas money and the rising costs of stamps. It also takes seconds to pay online. You save time!
- Utilize auction and store sites such as Ebay or Etsy. Often times, bidding always you purchase an item at a cheaper rate, however it could become more expensive than its worth. Do you homework to decide what are the best deals.
- Using websites to print coupons. Sites like or allows a visitor to print coupons that can be redeemed at stores. This saves you from buying the Sunday paper that carries those coupons. Another advantage is you can pick and choose which coupons you want.
- A good website to bookmark is because you can compare prices of products that you are searching. I am sure there is other websites that do this, but Froogle specifically comes to mind.
Monday, February 18, 2008
Teaching Your Child to Care through Toys
All this may not be necessary. In many families, children now donate gently used toys to less fortunate children who are at homeless shelters, preschools, or other institutions. When children receive new toys, that is when they donate their toys. Why not have that be the same for your children?
Every time your child receives a new toy, have your child donate the same amount of toys he just received. For example, if your child received two toys, then he would donate two gently used toys. Donated toys have to be gently used. Do not allow broken or missing toys to be donated. This will not be a good lesson for children to learn.
Be sure to discuss the process of donating toys with your children, so that they may understand the process. If possible, let your children give the toys to the appropriate parties.
Your children are never too young to donate their toys. The lessons will last a life time.
Friday, February 15, 2008
Ways to Get Exercise
Here are some ways you can include exercise in your busy life without really making a lot of time:
- When you are shopping, park a little further away from the building. Don't park in the closest parking spot.
- Take the stairs instead of the esclator or elevator.
- When you are cleaning your house, listen to some upbeat music. Chances are you will be dancing while cleaning.
- When you spend some quality time with your children, play a sport together where both of you have to physically move.
- Planning on spending time with a friend? Plan your time together by walking as you both catch up on each other's lives.
Be creative when including exercise in your daily life. Remember five minuters here and there is better than no minutes at all. Once life slows down a bit, then you can add more minutes to exercising!
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Thursday's Tip: Reduce Catalogs
One way to reduce clutter is stopping or reducing catalogs that come in the mail. You can go to This is a free service! There you can pick and choose which catalogs you don't want to be mailed out any longer. Not only is less clutter great for the mind, it is also great for the environment. Less papers mean less natural resources being used. is always looking for life style choices, changes and methods that will benefit our busy moms!
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Wednesday's Word With: Katie

Katie, of Michigan, works full time at a local bank. She is a mother to three children, one boy and two girls. Her husband just became unemployed. "He helps by taking care of our children while I go to work," Katie said. "It is a change, but we are trying to make the best of it."
Busymom: Please introduce yourself.
Katie: I am a mother to two girls and one boy, all under age six years old. I work full time at a local bank for the last five years. My husband just became unemployed. It is a big change for us, but we are managing it.
Busymom: How are you managing as a family with one income?
Katie: Well, the children do not have to be with a babysitter--they are now with their dad while I am at work. He takes over some of my duties that I was doing while in between looking for a job. We have saved for a "Rainy Day"--which is helping us.
Busymom: How do you take care of yourself?
Katie: I enjoy my baths by using shower gels and bubble baths. I use candles as well as a method of relaxation.
Busymom: What advice do you have for busy moms?
Katie: It is ok if you and your spouse have to trade roles for a while. You will get to see the what the other goes through and appreciate them more!
Visit to find a variety of shower gels and candles.
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
The Mom Song Sung to William Tell Overture with Lyrics
This is a tribute to all you busy moms out there. Without mothers, families can't function well. Mothers are the backbones of families and societies.
Here you will listen to what a mother's day is like to the tune of William Tell Overture.
After listening to this song, don't forget to call YOUR mom and thank her for all that she has done or is doing. You can also visit for some great gifts on thanking your mom as well.
Enjoy the clip! Here is to all moms.
Monday, February 11, 2008
New Changes on this Blog!
We want our busy parents to take advantage of this blog. Whatever your organizing and relaxing needs are, this blog will help you reach your needs. Our website at states "Simplicity for Busy Mothers". That is what we will do--bring simplicity, so that you can organize and relax!
Friday, February 8, 2008
Friday Favorites: Island Bath Plumeria Shower Gel 2 oz

A gentle wash of the tropics, the Island Bath Plumeria Shower Gel 2 oz is made up of gentle Coconut, soothing Aloe Vera gel, and Macadamia nut oil. This shower gel softens and moisturizes the skin. Visit today for more information. You will be glad you did.
Thursday, February 7, 2008
Thursday's Treasures: Malie Plumeria Lather

Wednesday, February 6, 2008
Wednesday's Word With: Cindy

Cindy, of Wisconsin, owns her own accounting and tax service. "The next few months will be a busy season as I prepare taxes," Cindy said. "Usually, my husband and children will fend for themselves because I won't be getting home until the evening time." Despite the long hours she will put in, Cindy loves owning her own accounting and tax service.
Busymom: Please introduce yourself.
Cindy: I am Cindy, a mother to two girls and one boy. I own a small accounting and tax service. This will be my third year as owner. Parts of the year, I work on accounting and payroll services, and the other part is dedicated to tax season.
Busymom: Since you put in long hours during tax season, how do you find time to take care of yourself?
Cindy: I mentally prepare myself ahead of time knowing that I will put in long hours, and my husband will take care over some of my parenting duties. It is also a blessing that my children are old enough to take care of themselves. When I shower, I like to use shower gels. I always use moisturizers and lotions.
Busymom: What kind of advice would you like to give to busy moms?
Cindy: It is important to delegate. Don't feel guilty if you take a five minute break for a cup coffee.
Busymom: Thanks for your time to be with me today!
Despite Cindy's busy seasons, she manages to use moisturizers, lotions and shower gels. Top products can be found at Don't forget to visit to see some of the best products for busy moms online!
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
Tuesday's Specials: One of a Kind Floral Purse

A purse that is uniqe is the One of a Kind Floral Purse which is very chic and sophisticated. This durable,upholstery type material is light brown with light brown flowers. The Taupe eyelash trim on the top make it a purse that must be flaunted. The 100% cotton lining is brown with small polka dots. The natural bamboo handles give it a down to earth feeling.One of a Kind purses are a great way to express you.
Visit to purchase your purse today!
Monday, February 4, 2008
Monday's Spotlight: Pure Soy Candle Stress Relief

Answer: offers all sorts of candle products, including Aromatherapy candles. The Pure Soy Candle Stress Relief is a good choice to consider. Not only with the Pure Soy Candle help relax and relieve stress for you, these candles are made of hight quality, organic soy wax and 100% cotton wicks. Go to http://www. to purchase yours today!
Friday, February 1, 2008
Friday Favorites: Pure Shea Butter Coco Vanilla