Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Wednesday's Word With: Nelly

Nelly, of Wisconsin, has three children, two girls and one boy. She currently works three days per week at a local bank.

Busymom: Please introduce yourself.

Nelly: Happily married to my husband of six years, we have two girls, ages 3 months old and 18 months old, and one boy who is five. I work part-time at a local bank. My husband works at a local factory. I am currently on maternity leave, however I will be returning back to work in the next couple of weeks.

Busymom: Wow. Your hands are certainly full! Do you even find time to take care of yourself?

Nelly: Certain things I have to let go for now, until my daughters become a little older. My husband works full time. My mom and sisters do come and help when they get off of work and school. My son is in kindergarten. When the girls are sleeping, I sleep too. I try to find as many short cuts to household chores and errands when possible. I still hang on to my day planner.

Busymom: Yes, day planners are life savers. Many people use day planners for all their activities. So, do you have any simple ways of taking time for yourself?

Nelly: I make sure I eat healthy because I nurse and have more energy that way. I play classical music in the background when I want to calm my girls down. I do use an eye pillow when I am sleeping filled with relaxing scents. Sleep is my biggest "me" time--I take it whenever I can!

Busymom: What kind of advice would you like to give to mothers, especially mothers with newborns?

Nelly: Take any help you can get until things become a little easier for you. Don't worry if it is not "done your way." Also, sleep when the baby is sleeping! That helps me.

Since Nelly has a new addition to their family, taking time for herself does not occur very frequently. However, she does use a day planner and an eye pillow, which can be found at As Nelly had stated, if people offer to help out--take it.

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