Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Wednesday's Word With: Katie

Katie, of Michigan, works full time at a local bank. She is a mother to three children, one boy and two girls. Her husband just became unemployed. "He helps by taking care of our children while I go to work," Katie said. "It is a change, but we are trying to make the best of it."

Busymom: Please introduce yourself.

Katie: I am a mother to two girls and one boy, all under age six years old. I work full time at a local bank for the last five years. My husband just became unemployed. It is a big change for us, but we are managing it.

Busymom: How are you managing as a family with one income?

Katie: Well, the children do not have to be with a babysitter--they are now with their dad while I am at work. He takes over some of my duties that I was doing while in between looking for a job. We have saved for a "Rainy Day"--which is helping us.

Busymom: How do you take care of yourself?

Katie: I enjoy my baths by using shower gels and bubble baths. I use candles as well as a method of relaxation.

Busymom: What advice do you have for busy moms?

Katie: It is ok if you and your spouse have to trade roles for a while. You will get to see the what the other goes through and appreciate them more!

Visit to find a variety of shower gels and candles.

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