Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Wednesday's Word With: Dana

A mother of three, Dana and her family moved back to Michigan this summer. Dana was six months pregnant with her third child when they were moving. "It was tough because my eldest child--a boy, is four years old, and my second child--a girl, is two," Dana explained.

Busymom: Please introduce yourself.

Dana: I am Dana. My family and I moved back from Ohio to Michigan, where I am originally from. I am a mother of three beautiful children, two boys and one girl. I am also a stay-at-home mom.

Busymom: I am amazed that you had made the move in the summer while you were pregnant. You just had a baby this August. How did you do it?

Dana (laughs): With careful planning. You plan everything that you can, yet be flexible when things don't always follow through. I know that certain things always must happen--for example paying bills on certain dates or doctor appointments. That is a must. I record those in my day planner. I also record other tasks like attending preschool or playgroups as well. Things that need my attention get recorded.

Busymom: Your husband is a physician, so he is not home a lot with you to help take care of the children, therefore not leaving enough time for yourself. How do you take care of yourself?

Dana: When my husband has a vacation day or a day off, he helps. In fact, he will tell me to take the day off to myself--do whatever I like. Since I can't stay in the showers or bath too long, I really don't pamper myself too much. One way I take care of myself is by lighting up a candle. I love scented candles because they are so relaxing and help calm the atmosphere. Every once in a while, I will use a spa-at-home kit.

Busymom: What kind of advice would you like to give to other moms?

Dana: Often times, many people go through life without reflecting or contemplating. Before they know it, they realize that time has passed them by. Learn to slow down. Enjoy the scent of a candle or pamper yourself with a spa.

No matter how busy our schedules may get, we should always try to take care of ourselves. has many items for moms like Dana. You can find day planners and agendas, candles and spa-at-home kits at

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